zondag 24 mei 2015

Doodle spread

Hi there !

Geniet je ook zo van deze heerlijk zonnige zondag ?? (eindelijk zon !!)
Zat vandaag lekker in de tuin te werken in mijn journal; heb deze spread afgemaakt. Heel veel laagjes: collage, verf, doodles, kleurpotlood..
Are you also enjoying a lovely sunny Sunday?
I was just sitting in my garden, finishing this journal spread. Lots of layers: collage, paint, color pencil, doodles....

Hope you're having yourself some fun artsy time too!

Btw , this is how the spread started :


xo Madeleine

1 opmerking:

  1. OH this design is grandiose!! I love the vibrant colorcombination and the whole composition, the pages looks flawless as if made from one piece.
    Groetjes Anja
